« A voix haute contre la pauvreté »
Lectures, chansons, performances
mercredi 31 mai 2017
Elèves de 2nde1, 2nde 3, 2nde 5, 2nde 7
AP Justice au Cœur
Enseignants : V Derrien, C Hugon, D Lockwood
Mathilde, Valentine, Laëtitia – Présentation de +l’association « Justice au Cœur »
Thelma, Ines, Yussef, Matthieu – de Nicolas Clément
Jeanne, Melody – de Victor Hugo extrait du recueil des « Contemplations »
Romane, Grégoire, Thibault – Appel de l’Abbé Pierre (1954)
Emma, Justine – « Qui est riche, qui est pauvre ?extrait du magazine « Alternatives économiques »
Lucas, Hadrien, Sébastien – de Nadir Dendounne
Morgane – de Delphine de Vigan
Julien aka « Songe » - Magicien
Playlist musicale : Raphaël et Arnaud
Maîtresses de cérémonie : Diane et Célestine
Vidéastes : Alexandre, Alessia, Solène
Playlist de Justice au cœur du mercredi 31 mai 2017 (Spotify : Justice au cœur) : The community of hope- PJ Harvey Medicinals - PJ Harvey The Ministry- PJ Harvey Fix you – Coldplay Heal The World- Michael Jackson One Love- Bob Marley I was here- Beyonce To build a home- Cinematic orchestra The album's title is a reference to the HOPE VI projects in the United States, "where run-down public housing in areas with high crime rates has been demolished to make room for better housing, but with the effect that many previous residents could no longer afford to live there, leading to claims of social cleansing." The HOPE VI program is directly referenced in the album's opening track and second single "The Community of Hope". The title is inspired by Harvey's trip to Washington D.C. with photographer/filmmaker Seamus Murphy where she was given a tour by Paul Schwartzman of The Washington Post, ] who directly influenced some of the lyrics on the song. ] Upon its release, the song drew criticism directly from politicians running for the council seat in Ward 7 in Washington, D.C